Redni obiskovalci Mladinskega centra ste morda v naši sredi zasledili tri dekleta, ki so se pogovarjale v francoščini. To so bile Olivia, Lilou in Juilia, s francije, ki so pri nas opravljale 3 tedensko prakso.
O svoji izkušnji so napisale takole:
Before arriving in Slovenia, I was mostly afraid of the language barrier. I had only the basics of English, and it scared me a lot to communicate.
I was also afraid of the internship, the communication, and the relationship. The internship went very well, even if we did not necessarily have interaction with the children.
On our arrival, we were really well received by our masters of training, and I find it very easy to communicate with her and even with others in general.
Otherwise, I really love everything about this country and this city. Ljubljana is a very clean city, and the surroundings of the hostel are very quiet. It is really quiet. I found it very beautiful and very simple to discover.
I’m sad to leave, and I really hope to come back one day.
Before arriving in Slovenia, I was not at all serene because the language barrier is a big problem for me.
I had a lot of trouble communicating during my internship. However, I still enjoyed spending three weeks at the social center. Our internship supervisors
were welcoming, patient, and fun.
I loved to travel, Ljubljana is a clean and quiet city with a beautiful landscape.
I don’t really want to leave.
My stay was intense with emotions from the ups and downs, but I loved this country. It has very beautiful scenery, and the one I think I preferred was Piran with the ocean. I also have a word to say to Karmen and Nives, who welcomed us with open arms. I thank them for these beautiful weeks, even if it was complicated with the language. I could blossom with you, and I thank you very much. I leave with lots of memories in mind and beautiful people I met.
Olivia, Lilou in Juilia, hvala, da ste v naš mladinski center prinesle smeh, veselje in vašo energijo. Lepo vas je bilo spoznati in upam, da se še kdaj srečamo.