Hello, this week was hectic! This is what I did and what I saw #skozialbertoveoči
Monday we visit an event promoted by the association of paraplegics and paraplegic walkers with the idea of publicizing and raising funds for a new mobile application that collects the trails in Slovenia that are suitable for their physical condition. Best of luck, I hope your idea is carried out!
On Thursday we visited an organization in Domžale that promotes various types of activities to middle-aged and elderly people. Wonderful work from this organization. In this case, the workshop was about mosaics, a marvel.
On Friday my sister came to spend a few days with me and we visited various places. Friday morning we made a route to Velika Planina.
On Saturday we visit the Bled and Bohinj region with the Savica waterfall. The weather created a feeling of an eerie place.
On Sunday we went to the Kranjska Gora region and National Park of Triglav.
See you next week!